It’s Christmas time! Like many buildings, the WOT site got a makeover too last week. Thousands of Christmas lights bring magic to the place.
No doubt about it: all lights are LED’s!
It’s worth watching it, especially in snow.
WOT windmill in Nepal
Katrin Shrestha and Brecht Mommen from Nepal visited the WOT last week. They showed us a film about running projects in Nepal. You can watch several projects too; have a look at the website of Clean Energy and Learning Centre .
Brecht and Katrin at a rope pump under construction
The WOT stand
160 Student visited the Career Fair
The smell of melting iron filled the Kiwanda last Thursday night. Menno-Jan and Freddy gave a workshop welding to three students.
After a brief explanation and some cautious trials the three students were allowed to weld all by themselves. By applying tips and advices from Freddy and Menno-Jan their welding become better and better. Their first welded dice soon became a fact.
By the time the workshop was full of smoke the students could demonstrate their acquired skills by welding a watertight cup.
One of the three proved to be watertight. The proud owner immediately upgraded the cup to a tankard.