Can you hear that?? Far away… behind the horst… a dreadful but familiar sound can be heard faintly. It seems like Mariah Carey has defrosted once again, and All I Want for Christmas Is You echoes in the Kiwanda like it’s almost the 25th of December again. Saint nick might be long gone, but on the 10th of January the WOT is high on Christmas. Quite on time if I may say, my student house had its Christmas diner on the 25th of June last year. Which is literally the furthest date from Christmas.

Coincidentally, just a catapult shot away, Newton also had its Christmas dinner on the 10th. When I noticed this, I feared that some of WOT’s Mechanical engineers might be kidnapped and forced to go there instead. But luckily that was not case (with some exceptions). Even though I was sceptical about this date, our board assured us that the 10th was the right date because they ‘felt it’. Now, I have to admit (and I don’t do this often), were they right. We had a whopping 39(!!) WOTters show up for this fantastic candle lit dinner.
Preparation for the diner began two days beforehand with taking inventory, choosing recipes and of course the groceries. Then Friday morning the cooking began. I wasn’t there myself, but I can say with certainty that they cooked.
The appetizers (made possible by Norah and Erik) were savoury cupcakes with cheese, sun-dried-tomato and olive. Now whenever I hear ‘savoury’ and then something that’s not supposed to be savoury, like cupcakes, red flags go off in my head. I can confidently say that since I had these cupcakes those red flags have burned away. These cupcakes were a true delight, and I have plans to make them myself.
From here my light dimmed a bit, I may have had one to many glasses, or rather, bottles of wine. What I do remember very sharply are the next few dishes, and how great it all tased. The carrot-tomato soup, the Hachee with potatoes and red beet, and of course the apple crumble cake. Sometimes when I eat too much, I wonder whether all the food would be worth the extra weight. This is not one of those times. Hats off to Norah, Erik and Robin! The dishes they prepared were expertly made. Also, by pure coincidence, this was also the third homemade apple crumble cake I had in two weeks. Ranking these three is difficult since I made the other two myself, so I will have to call it a three-way pie.

Oh and we can’t forget the candles! As per WOT tradition, the candle holders are beuned just before the diner. Now all candle holders are special in their own way, but some were more special than others. Out of all of the candle holders, there are a lot of contenders for the nr 1 spot. But my personal favourite would have to be Nathan’s. Not because it was an original design, or because it had functionality, no in truth it’s a candle holder only it’s mother could love. That made burning the candle holder (which was just a block of wood with a hole in it), so much fun and memorable. Nathans attempts to save its pathetic creation just added fuel to the fire. And that’s why its nr 1… also because I forgot all the others.
All in all, it was a great Christmas diner. There was a lot of great food, deep conversations, flaming candle holders, and, of course, gezelligheid. Christmas is about sharing Joy with others. Whether you believe Joy goes through the stomach, or Joy is laughing with (or at) other people, or if you are an addict and think Joy is alcohol, there certainly was a lot of Joy. Here’s to next Christmas diner! As my great friend, and WOTter abroad Santiago would say, Happy Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy birthday!