WOT volunteers drill a well on the demonstration terrain
Activities at the WOT
Come and visit our test site! Call us or send us a message and we can welcome you some time. On Wednesday evenings we have our social evening, where we eat together and subsequently perform all kinds of tasks such as answering requests for advice and other more or less serious matters. Would you like to come by? Just walk in, or make an appointment for a tour on our site!
This year the WOT is managed by a four-person crew. Because the WOT is a voluntary organization with contacts all over the world and we have a large test site, it is a special and interesting challenge to keep things running smoothly. Participating in the board is a valuable experience because you combine technology with social involvement.
The WOT organizes the T-week. This requires a lot of manpower, such as compiling course manuals, creating and distributing PR material and organizing the program.
Smaller workshops are organized for groups of students and organizations that focus on a specific practical topic. For this, course material must be collected and documentation provided.
The WOT receives about 100 requests for advice each year from development workers and organizations and educational institutions around the world. We provide advice in the field of small-scale renewable energy and water supply for developing countries. With the help of experienced WOT members, our extensive library and our own experience gained with the fieldwork we try to help the applicant as well as possible.
Every year, the WOT visits a number of festivals where people are informed with the help of demo objects and publications. For communication to the outside press releases and leaflets are made and a website is maintained.
In-house research into new technology is conducted by experienced and skilled WOT members and new members who actively participate. Everyone is challenged to come up with good solutions for technical problems. Our motto is: “simple is not easy”. You can find current or future projects here. With this research, (technical) documentation is realised.
The demonstration objects on the test and test site of the WOT require regular maintenance. Most of this maintenance is done jointly in the regular work weekends. Look for the date of the next work weekend in the calendar.
With sufficient participants, a course on workshop techniques is organised in which attention is paid to material use, tool knowledge and safety. This knowledge can be applied to maintenance activities and new projects.