Archive for WOT Blog

Installation of rope pump in New Rotsoord, Utrecht

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 1 Comment

On Sunday, January 23rd, Freddy and Rene went to Utrecht to install a rope pump at the patting zoo ‘New Rotsoord’. This pump is the very first sample of a new design: the pump has a single support instead of a whole frame. As a result, the material costs drop 20 percent and the design becomes simpler.
The construction of the pump was done in Enschede. The only thing necessary at Nieuw Rotsoord, was the installation of the pump.

The pump is placed in a concrete foundation next to a 6-meter deep well. The intention is to let the volunteers of Rotsoord make a drive gear based on a bicycle.

Once we receive a picture we will definitely post here.

WOT Winter Wonderland

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010 No Comments

kerstgroentenIt’s Christmas time! Like many buildings, the WOT site got a makeover too last week. Thousands of Christmas lights bring magic to the place.
No doubt about it: all lights are LED’s!

It’s worth watching it, especially in snow.

WOT windmill build in Nepal

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010 1 Comment

WOT windmolen in Nepal

WOT windmill in Nepal

The WOT Diever 450 windmill is being constructed in Biratnagar (Nepal). Students from Pulchowk Engineering Campus are building the windmill for local farmers, who use it for irrigation. Besides the windmill, students have developed a Hybrid Solar Dryer that can be kept warm by wood if there’s lack of sun.

Katrin Shrestha and Brecht Mommen from Nepal visited the WOT last week. They showed us a film about running projects in Nepal. You can watch several projects too; have a look at the website of Clean Energy and Learning Centre .

Brecht en Katrin bij een touwpomp in aanbouw

Brecht and Katrin at a rope pump under construction

T-Week Promo at Career Fair

Saturday, November 20th, 2010 Comments Off on T-Week Promo at Career Fair

The WOT stand

Quite a large number of T-Week participants are students studying for tropical doctor. To ensure this number won’t decrease the WOT was represented at their Career Fair today. It took place at the LUMC in Leiden. WOT member Mark Westra tried to convinced the 160 students the T-Week would be a valuable experience.
Most students had heard of the WOT before and few of them already joined the T-Week. (Even parents of some students had participated, 30 years ago!)

160 Student visited the Career Fair

Intro Welding Workshop

Friday, November 19th, 2010 No Comments

The smell of melting iron filled the Kiwanda last Thursday night. Menno-Jan and Freddy gave a workshop welding to three students.
After a brief explanation and some cautious trials the three students were allowed to weld all by themselves. By applying tips and advices from Freddy and Menno-Jan their welding become better and better. Their first welded dice soon became a fact.
By the time the workshop was full of smoke the students could demonstrate their acquired skills by welding a watertight cup.
One of the three proved to be watertight. The proud owner immediately upgraded the cup to a tankard.