In 2022 a technician from the UNDP got in contact with us after seeing our rotary jetting video (showing Menno’s small rotary jetting rig, powered by a corded drill). This technician wanted to buy a swivel from us to be able to make this small set and test out the drilling method. We wanted to sell him one as the UNDP is one of the largest organizations in the development cooperation sector.
But, to sell a swivel we first had to produce one. So the stainless steel metal parts where machined by a CNC company after which Menno welded the assembly together and assembled the working swivel.
The swivel was then packaged and shipped all the way to Palau where the UNDP office made the rest of the set and has actually already tested the setup with the swivel once.
Since then the UNDP has pointed out some small improvements which we are currently in the process of researching and testing. A new swivel with some minor changes is made and will be send out to Palau shortly.
We are very excited to work with the UNDP and we hope to see small scale electrified manual drilling used more often to provide another source of good quality water for people in hard to reach areas.