
One of the goals of the WOT is to spread knowledge and technology for sustainable development. The WOT organizes different courses and workshops.


The T-week is a technical course week (in Dutch) for development. The T-week is designed for people without technical backgrounds who are planning to go to a developing country. For example, working in tropical medicin, or an internship or work in development aid.
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Technical Workshops

During technical workshops, specific knowledge and skills are taught, for example making solar collectors, rope pumps, or various piston pumps. The WOT also provides a stick welding course for students. Technical workshops can be organised on request.
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Educational workshops

During the instructional workshops in the WOT are students of primary and high school in touch with technology and the role of technology in developing countries. An educational workshop typically consists of a tour of the demonstration site in the workshop and the students learn to make simple water pumps. Educational workshops will be organized on request. Read more »