AppendixGeneral recommendations for PV-system projects1. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDYSuch a preliminary study should contain the following items:
2. SELECTION OF MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIERWhen this pre-feasibility study results in a positive recommendation the next step is the elaboration of the design and selection of manufacturers/suppliers.
On the other hand tender preparation has considerable costs. To give some indication, even for small projects at least one man-month should be considered. For all PV-system projects quotations of at least three manufacturers/suppliers should be called for. In the competitive business of PV-systems, unit prices might not vary so much, but secondary conditions such as guarantees and after-sales service could show interesting differences. A very strong argument in the selection of a particular manufacturer/supplier is their already existing market share in the region and the presence of a local agent of such a company. In the final agreement of delivery of goods the following points should be covered:
Caution should be exercised with respect to the transport of the equipment a complete insurance for goods and transport should be arranged. 3. TRAINING OF USERSTraining of the system users should be provided in advance of or at installation. This should ensure proper use and awareness of the systems' limitations.
4. INSTALLATION OF PV-SYSTEMS AND TESTINGIf the organisation which purchases the equipment claims to be experienced in its installation a list of successfully installed PV-systems might be provided as demonstration of competence. If possible, training of the organisations' employees by the regional agent of the manufacturer/supplier is strongly recommended. Checking major Dutch manufacturers/suppliers on this point shows that one gives special training on installation, while the other trust in the instruction manual and will send replacements of defective components free of cost, once analysis has shown that the defect falls within the guarantee regulations. When the system is tested after installation, the assistance of an independent party has proven most helpful in ensuring that the system functions according to the manufacturers' specifications. Such independent sources of expertise could be a university or technical high school department, which deals with renewable energy systems. 5. MONITORING OF PV-SYSTEMSIn each PV-system project a monitoring phase should be included. This monitoring of the system can be carried out by the development organisation or by the users. Preference should be given to the users: it will then directly provide a feed-back to the users themselves. The development organisation should stimulate the monitoring as it can derive useful data from it. 6. REFERENCES
Previous chapter: 5. Electricity from the sun