Intro activities 2024

This September is filled with great opportunities to get to know the WOT.
We will be hosting a variety of WOT-like activities every Wednesday and Thursday night.

The evening starts at about 17:45 and we have dinner together (which you can join), or come by later in the night for the activity, to help with a project or to join us around the campfire.

Sign up here

Wednesday the 4th of September
Terrain tour and marblepump workshop.
This Wednesday we will be giving tours of our terrain, multiple members will be walking around to explain what each contraption or building is and answer any questions you might have.

After the tours (and dinner) we will be starting construction on marble pumps, each course taker can make their own marblepump and take it home with them afterwards.
Here you can find the manual we will be following, but you don’t need to prepare anything.

Thursday the 5th of September
Soldering workshop.
Here you can learn the basics of electronics soldering by completing a few exercises and making a small circuit of your own.

Wednesday the 11th of September
Lecture on well drilling.
We will host a lecture on well drilling, and in particular manual well drilling. Different techniques and concepts will be introduced and discussed and of course there will be time for all your questions.

Thursday the 12th of September
EMAS drilling!
Today we will put some of the learned theory in practice. (or give you a very quick catch up course if you missed last Thursday)
We will be drilling a well by hand using the EMAS method.

Wednesday the 18st of September
Pub quiz.
The one and only WOT pub quiz, with general knowledge and some thematic questions!

Thursday the 19th of September
Fix your own bike, (repareer je fiets voor niets)
This night you will get the chance to fix your own bicycle! we will provide parts and expertise to help you (within reason), you bring a bicycle and your unbridled enthusiasm.

Wednesday the 25th and Thursday the 26th of September
Project work.
Now that you know our association it is time to start working on some actual projects, this is a great way to get to know the workshop and improve your handiness by trial and error. One of the projects we will be working on is a small scale hydroponics system.

Please sign up for an activity if you are interested, it is always possible to withdraw but this helps us estimate how many people (and thus food and materials) to expect.
Signing up can be done here.


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